The aim of the BVCA Public Procurement Framework is to Promote Business Excellence
The BVCA Public Procurement Framework Agreement for Construction Management is intended to offer a potential to change and develop contract management that builds on best practice and promotes continuous improvement
BVCA objectives is to be at the leading edge of providing good services, to create and encourage innovation and strengthen strategy across departmental working aiming to achieve sustainable organisational excellence.
Training and Management Performance
BVCA recognises that all employees have a crucial role to play in the success of modernising Public Procurement and in the overall success of the/any user in achieving Best Value.
Re-engineering procedures
The approach that BVCA take in trying to meeting all the requirements of Best Value, which will enable any user to provide value for money. And perhaps most importantly continually seek improvements in all proscribed services
Improving Performance
BVCA Public Procurement Framework agreement provides different Professional Consultant Service Lots for above and below the current Public Procurement monitory threshold. Therefore, the BVCA agreement allows users to demonstrate that the Professional Consultant Services are competitive but give freedom to set local priorities and find ways of delivering services that best meet the needs of local people.
Best Value
BVCA Public Procurement Framework Agreement is a vehicle for extending, deepening and hastening change. And provides mechanisms that will allow users to measure the outcomes of their service delivery.
Modernising Public Procurement
Procuring organisations (users) are required to provide services that bear comparison with the best that is on offer, from both the private and public sectors. Alongside democratic and social inclusion, BVCA Public Procurement agreement is at the heart of the Central Government's Public Procurement modernising agenda.
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Call 07369269801