BVCA Public Procurement Framework Agreement for Construction Management offers to change and develop construction contract management that builds on best practice & promotes continuous improvement.
The Aim of the BVCA Framework is to allow users to take all reasonable steps to ensure that effectiveness, quality & cost of service properly reflect what local communities can afford
Construction Contact size:
contracts signed under seal gives a 12 Latent Defects Period
Construction Contract size:
contracts signed under hand gives a 6 year Latent Defects Period
In accordance and compliance with Public Contract Regulation 2015 (PCR15),
(new) Procurement Act 2023 (PA23) and
Provider Selection Regime 2024
NHS (PSR 2024)
Financial Sustainability
Polices & Statements
Framework Manager
Promote a commercially focused and inclusive team culture that drives innovation and continuous improvement to achieve significant and sustainable cost improvements.
- Provide expert leadership to ensure the effective leverage of the End User Client spend to maximise commercial opportunities, dive innovation and position the End user client as a commercial leader.
- Partner with service providers/institutions/professional consultants and other stakeholders to develop commercial partnerships that are capable of delivering increased revenue savings and/or Social Value to the End User Client.
- Lead the development of the strategic procurement lifecycle, including commercial contract management & commercial strategies.
- Advise on commercial procurement and contract management matters, as well as, as commercial operation performance, contract supplier performance, delivery against designated End User Client’s targets, and report on inclusive procurement measures to the End User Client Chief Officers and Elected Members
- Develop a shared purpose to address complex commercial issues that may require, from time to time, a pan-organisation approach, embedding principal of entrepreneurialism, Social Value and financial efficiency.
BVCA recognises that all people including thoes from minority etinic groups, face discrimination and prejudice, which can serverly restict the ability of such individuals to access appropriate services and/or gian legal employment. Our commitment is to ensure that such types of discrimination, including “modern day” slavery, are tackled where-ever they occur.
BVCA will ensure that irrespective of nationality, race, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or ethic origin, all people have equal rights, to employment and/or service provision. Further, BVCA acknowledges the need to develop and provide services that are appropriate and accessible to all members of every community.
Commisioning through the BVCA Framework would be simple, the (user) Council can run either a secondary (mini) competition or gain full client confidence in the commission process through a shortened PQQ & interview process, reducing the procurement process to a maxinmum of 90 days. And/or seek quotations from the BVCA framework suppliers direct to secure offers tailored to the (user) Council’s exact project brief requirements. Or the (user) Council could commission through an identified solution and suppier, based on the information provided within their initial BVCA framework application, agree supply terms with i.e. a professional consultant and place an order. The benefits also include access to a select list of consortium forming and/or specialist professional suppliers who between them offer a comprehensive range of services with pre-agreed terms, conditions and safeguards to underpin all contracts placed under the BVCA framework.
Quality Management is a continual process that does not just
happen but evolves over time and through experience. The client/users’ needs
change and their expectations grow, therefore it is essential that, in
additional to the client/users’ existing Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and/or
Construction Management procedures, the Best Value Consulting Associates (BVCA)
Framework is and has been formulated to encourage and develop continuous
In order to carry on providing high quality services that
continues to improve and meet any changing requirements, commissioning through
the BVCA Public Procurement Framework will help to secure Professional Services
in an effective & efficient way by introducing a systematic quality
management system which includes a commitment to cost and project control.
The BVCA Public Procurement Framework will monitor and
record all project controls though close liaison with all stakeholders,
Architects, Project Managers or whoever is designated to sanctions all project
expenditure. The BVCA Public Procurement Framework is capable of reviewing and
negotiating any procurement solution, by working closely as possible with the
user from the earliest stage, such as appointment of professional consultants
at commissioning stage.
Through this opportunity, by utilising the best possible
information from all relevant parties and team members, will enable joined up
forecasts of project out-turn and performance. Therefore, the BVCA Public
Procurement Framework is not merely a reactive system looking at historical
changes, but a pro-active system, monitoring and recording possible threats and/or
opportunities to save i.e. money, coming from the project Risk Register or from
any new project changes.
BVCA recognises how important data collection is in
benchmark, reviewing and future project budgeting setting. Equally valuable to
value engineering during the commissioning/design stage, the BVCA Public
Procurement Framework will also allow option consideration when commissioning at
each and every project stage, creating an environment which includes both
capital and whole life cost implications.
BVCA’s experience of working in partnership with a wide
variety of client/user’s and professional consultants, which therefore, means
we have significant experience of delivering programmes of complex projects as
well as one off individual commissions. BVCA has been involved in delivering
numerous projects through project planning, monitoring and action. All
construction projects should be commissioned on a risk-based approach, therefore,
the BVCA Public Procurement Framework approach underwrites and supports any
user’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and/or Construction Contract
Management process from inception to completion.
The BVCA QM Model
· Customer Satisfaction, People (employees)Satisfaction
and Impact on Society are achieved through
· Leadership, Driving
· Policy and Strategy, People Management, Resources and Processes
Leading ultimately to excellence in
· Business Results
Get In Touch
Assistance Hours
Mon – Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday – CLOSED
Phone Number:
01296 294606
Office: 124-128 City Rd, London EC1V 2NX
Mobile: 07369269801
Email: [email protected]